Sam Murphy
Sam Murphy is a former high school guidance counselor with over 30 years of coaching experience. At Greenepsych, Sam will co-direct the Sports Parent Project with Marty Kupprion. Sam has coached girls’ lacrosse as well as field hockey at the high school and collegiate levels. Her dedication to student athletes defines her career, and now she is focused on supporting parents of young student athletes. Sam has personal experience as a sports parent, raising 3 sons, all who navigated the club and high school sports scenes, with two of them competing in Division I lacrosse.
At Greenepsych Sam will be a parent coach and specialize in working with area schools, communicating with sports parents, coaches and athletic directors to help improve the student athlete experience. She will be holding workshops, conducting one-on-one and group counseling sessions, and can meet virtually as well as in person.
Sam received her Master’s Degree in Education at West Chester University after playing both field hockey and lacrosse at the University of Richmond where she earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications with a minor in Sports Management. Throughout her life, she has coached numerous teams, guided parents and former players through the college recruiting process and always given back to her township leagues by coaching and serving on boards for the betterment of young athletes and their families.
To reach Sam about opportunities to work together, or with any questions, please email her at [email protected].