Mind over Matter: Taking Control of Your Injury Recovery

An 8-week virtual training for athletes ages 12 and up that teaches the mental skills to manage, cope, and navigate the hurdles of rehabilitation and returning to sport.

  • You are feeling less motivated, more lonely and like no one understands what you’re really going through.
  • You are more irritable and frustrated.
  • You don’t understand why this injury happened to you because all you have done is put in the hard work and effort.
  • You fear that your career could be over or that you’ll never be the player you once were.
  • You notice yourself constantly comparing yourself to others and feeling like you are falling behind in sport.
  • You have been cleared to play your sport, but something inside you is causing you to play timid and afraid, which is impacting your overall success and performance.

If you answered YES to any of these statements, Mind over Matter: Taking Control of your Injury Recovery is the training for you! This training is an 8-week virtual video series. You can sign up anytime, through Paypal, but to be the first to receive it, sign up NOW, and you will receive weekly videos and worksheets beginning August 12, 2024.

  • Process and normalize challenging emotions and understand how managing your ‘mind chatter’ can greatly impact your recovery 
  • Cultivate the strategies and learn the mental tools that equip you for managing tough days, setbacks, and moments that trigger you or remind you of your injury
  • Learn and reflect from your rehab journey so you can come back stronger than ever before
  • Build more purpose outside of your sport, and develop new skills or hobbies that aren’t necessarily sports specific
  • Feel more confident when you are cleared to play and begin the return to play protocol
  • Receive an email every week, for 8 consecutive weeks. These emails will include:
    • Short-videos recorded by Lauren, explaining the particular topic or skill of the week
    • Information to help you on your journey, including articles, podcast links, journal prompts and more
  • Receive your own personal Injury Recovery Journal which includes:
    • Guided worksheets, allowing you to reflect and become more mindful as you start putting these new skills into your everyday life
    • Free space for you to journal when you feel it’s needed to let out your emotions and to keep track of your Weekly Wins!
  • Have access to this content forever! You can re-watch these videos anytime you feel you need reminders to stay on top of your mental game

Module 1: Understanding the Rollercoaster of Injury Recovery & Weekly Wins

  • You will learn the stages of grief and how these emotions are similarly felt during recovery
  • You will develop a clearer understanding of what it means to take more control of your injury journey
  • You will learn about the “Weekly Wins” and how this can be a helpful exercise for finding more of the positive things within your recovery

Module 2: Importance of Connection and Support Systems

  • You will understand why it’s important to have strong connections during your recovery 
  • You will explore and decide who is a part of your injury support team, and who you believe you can turn to when you are feeling particular emotions. 
  • You will learn effective ways to communicate with your support system 

Module 3: What is Mind Chatter & How to Work With It

  • Based on Dr. Mitchell Greene’s concept and book, Courage over Confidence: Managing Mind Chatter and Winning the Mental Game, you will learn the definition of ‘Mind Chatter’ and why and how it shows up so much during recovery
  • You will feel calmer and more hopeful knowing how to separate yourself from your chatter and when to expect it
  • You will understand how to acknowledge mind chatter and respond to it effectively so it no longer takes the lead and controls your actions 

Module 4: Stress Management & Relaxation

  • You will understand how the fight, flight or freeze response impacts our body and why it’s especially important to manage during injury
  • You will learn different relaxation techniques and explore when and where they can be utilized
  • You will feel relieved when you develop a coping strategy list and know that there are many different coping strategies for different emotions that arise during injury recovery

Module 5: Values & Self-Exploration

  • You will learn why knowing our values is helpful and important during recovery but also for living a more purposeful life outside of sport
  • You will feel more empowered after defining your personal values and understand why knowing them can be so helpful throughout recovery 
  • You will explore other potential interests that aren’t related to sport, so you can develop a better, well rounded form of self 

Module 6: Setting Realistic Goals & Gaining Better Focus

  • You will learn why many people fall short of their goals and how to set realistic goals, so that your recovery feels more tolerable and manageable
  • You will feel more empowered and in control when having a concrete plan and also a more structured schedule 
  • You will understand how to reflect on your previous week and how to take that information to help you create new attainable and achievable goals 

Module 7: Returning to Sport – Gaining Confidence and Overcoming Fear

  • You will learn about visualization and how to utilize it when you are almost cleared or able to return to your sport 
  • You will understand that fear and doubts are normal and why leaning on courage is important for taking the next step in playing like you envision
  • You will develop specific plans for when you can expect your chatter to show up, so that you feel more prepared and capable of getting back to the sport you love  

Module 8: Reflecting and Continuing Your Skills and Journey

  • You will reflect on your growth and work over the 8 week training  
  • You will explore how to utilize the skills in other areas of your life (whether that be when you return to sport or in your life or school)
  • You will recognize the importance of being self-aware, continuing resilience through upcoming challenges, and maintaining a lifelong, healthy mindset

We accept Paypal or Credit Card

  • Any athlete, ages 12 and up, that has experienced an injury (whether it be for part of a season, season ending, career ending, or chronic) and is having a tough time handling the change and recovery process
  • Athletes dealing with injury that are feeling less motivated, are lacking the confidence to return to sport and want to ensure they come back physically and mentally strong  
  • Sport Parents, who have a child that is injured, and want to better understand what their athlete may be going through and how they might be able to help
  • Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapists, or any other medical professional that works with injury daily and are looking to develop a more holistic approach as they navigate the recovery process with their patients
  • Anyone who is simply interested in the psychology of injury and the applicable strategies and techniques that can support a challenging recovery
  • Stay tuned. We are currently looking into this course becoming CEU accredited. If interested, please email [email protected]

I am a licensed Therapist and Sport Psychology Clinician who has been working with athletes of all ages for close to 10 years. My passion for working with athletes began after a season ending knee injury playing collegiate basketball. I have had a total of three knee surgeries since then, and my mission is to ensure that injured athletes don’t have to go through their recovery alone. I designed this training to be practical, easily applicable and simple to understand and follow. I also want you to feel like I am going through this injury alongside you. Injury recovery is hard and is experienced differently for every athlete, even if you have the same injury more than once. I believe it’s essential to own your own recovery path and learn the best coping practices and techniques that suit you, ensuring that you return to your sport and your life in the best way possible. 

For more information about me, my background and the services we offer at Greenepsych, please click here.

The course launches on August 12, 2024- but you can register anytime!

Your investment: $160 dollars for the full 8 weeks. If you sign up before August 5, 2024, you get a discount of $20!

We accept Paypal or Credit Card